Gender Equality

As every year, companies with more than 50 employees publish their gender pay gap index on March 1st.

In accordance with decree n° 2019-15 of January 8, 2019, the index must be calculated based on 4 to 5 indicators (depending on the size of the company) and provides a score out of 100 points.

If the result is below 75 out of 100, the company has three years to comply. Otherwise, a financial penalty of up to 1% of the payroll will be applied.

If the calculable points cannot reach a score of 75, then the index cannot be calculated.

  • Indicator related to the gender pay gap (/40): Non-calculable Indicator (All valid groups, i.e., with at least 3 women and 3 men, represent less than 40% of the workforce)
  • Indicator related to the gap in individual increase rates: 25/35
  • Indicator related to the % of female employees who received an increase in the year following their maternity leave (/15): Non-calculable Indicator (There were no returns from maternity leave during the reference period)
  • Indicator related to the number of employees of the underrepresented gender among the top 10 earners: 0/10

For 2024 (based on 2023 data), our index cannot be calculated (index of 87/100 for the year 2023 based on 2022 data)

We ensure equal treatment for comparable positions and ages, whether one is a woman or a man. Promotion rates and individual increases are treated the same way regardless of gender.



Gender pay gap



Gap in individual increase rates



Female employees receiving an increase in the year following maternity leave



Employees of the underrepresented gender among the top 10 earners



TOTAL (scaled to 100 points)



* NC = Not calculable